
Digital Product Passport

The Ecosystem Digital Product Passport (CIRPASS) prepares the ground for gradual piloting and deployment of the Digital Product Passports (DPPs).

CIRPASS wants to open up possibilities for innovative workflows, especially to further the circularity of the flow of tangible goods, but also for consumer information. The initial focus is on three priority areas: the electric & electronics, battery, and textile sectors while laying the groundwork for a cross-sectoral DPP based on common rules, principles, taxonomy, and standards. More specifically, the design and introduction of DPPs relate to technological feasibility and technical support for circular economy strategies, conformity to the needs of various stakeholders especially companies and consumers, economic viability, and a contribution to monitoring and guiding the introduction of the circular economy by political and administrative actors.


  • Present an unambiguous cross-sectoral definition and description of the DPP
  • Define a cross-sectoral product data model for the DPP with demonstrated usefulness for the Circular Economy
  • Propose an open DPP data exchange protocol adapted to the needs of CE stakeholders and propose such a protocol based on up-to-date digital technologies
  • Build stakeholder consensus on key data for circularity and related open European and global vocabulary standards to be included in the DPP for the batteries, electronics, and textiles value chains.
  • Develop use cases and roadmaps for piloting, deployment, and circular business value generation of cross-sectoral DPPs

CIRPASS is funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) and DIGITALEUROPE is leading the work strand on communication, dissemination, and stakeholder engagement.

Visit the website and learn more about the project

For more information, please contact:
Valeria Muggianu
Senior Project Manager
Diem Tran
Communications Manager and Area Coordinator for Projects
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