16 Feb 2017

Policy paper- Global Tech Association Recommended Outcomes for G20 2017

Policy paper- Global Tech Association Recommended Outcomes for G20 2017

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are vital to the growth and development of the global economy. As reflected in 2016 through its “Digital Economy Development and Cooperation Initiative” and the Leaders’ commitments in the Hangzhou Communique, the G20 is a critically important setting for the world’s leading governments to outline approaches to managing 21st century ICT policy challenges, combatting protectionism, achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and growing the global economy in ways that benefit all countries and people.

More work remains to be done. To that end, in 2017 the global tech sector respectfully seeks the following additional outcomes to advance privacy protections, enhance national security and data security, and enable the cross-border data flows that power growth, development, job creation, and innovation in all countries.

1. Data flows and localization measures. Promote the principle that economies should facilitate the free flow of data across borders and refrain from imposing measures requiring the local storage or processing of data or the use of local facilities, hardware, or services – subject only to limited and narrowly-tailored public interest exceptions. In addition, oppose measures that require companies to provide access to source code and/or encryption keys as a condition of doing business.

2. Privacy and data protection. Acknowledge that privacy is fundamental right and commit to pursuing privacy and data protection policies that draw on multi-stakeholder frameworks, promote international interoperability, and support innovation.

3. Cybersecurity. Ensure that measures governments take to enhance cybersecurity reflect the global nature of cyberspace; rely on risk management-based approaches that avoid prescribed technology standards; incorporate meaningful consultation with the private sector; and provide for coordinated and consistent efforts to secure 5G, Cloud, IoT, Critical Infrastructure and other cyber physical systems, as well as protect companies from cyber-enabled industrial espionage.

4. Standards and technical regulations. Use global, voluntary, industry-led standards; ensure that any technical regulations are risk-based and least trade restrictive in meeting their objectives; and refrain from mandating the transfer, disclosure, or use of technologies, production processes, development methods, or other proprietary information as a condition for doing business.

5. Transparency and stakeholder consultation. Undertake transparency measures and consultation with industry and other stakeholders, including through advanced notice of, and an opportunity to comment on, draft laws, regulations, and other measures affecting ICT.

6. Skills and knowledge. Facilitate collaboration between government, the private sector, and educational institutions to expand the benefits of technology, equip people of all ages with basic digital skills to seize opportunities for increased participation in the global economy, and address the growing need for more advanced and STEM skills.

7. Cross-border taxation. Commit to resolving outstanding questions of cross-border taxation in multi-lateral settings, on the basis of the principles of certainty, predictability, and the rule of law.

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