CO-SECUR, referred to as Knowledge Building and Social Innovation for Urban Security, is dedicated to the enhancement of security solutions in public spaces, particularly during massive events and crowded gatherings. The adoption of social innovations and responsible innovation principles is sought to generate trust, acceptance, and improvements in security perception and behavior.

This goal is pursued through a comprehensive four-phase methodology. Initially, security and security perception evidence is explored through a thorough literature review. Subsequently, effective security practices are identified and selected through security practices mapping. Following this, a detailed analysis of 72-180 case studies across 9 European countries is conducted, providing a critical synthesis of results. Finally, a Societal Development Plan (SDP) and tools are co-written and validated through participative activities involving the Quintuple helix + media.

The outcomes of these efforts include an SDP providing a detailed description of Social Innovation on Security in Europe, a compendium of good practices, and a roadmap of actions. The suite of tools encompasses best practices for fostering smart local communities, policy recommendations aligning security solutions with Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and social innovation, industry benchmarking, and a summary of innovative, transferable, and scalable security technologies.

DIGITALEUROPE leads Work Package 4 (WP4), the focus is on disseminating project results and engaging stakeholders. The objectives include the design of a Dissemination & Communication Strategy to support public engagement, project sustainability, and result widespreading. Broad awareness of CO-SECUR topics is ensured, and optimal actions are periodically assessed for their effectiveness in raising awareness and engagement. Additionally, support is provided to partners in effectively communicating and disseminating their results, enhancing transferability potential.

For further information, please contact
Chiara Longobardi
Senior Project Manager
Daniella Manassero-Bernal
Communications Manager for Projects
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