

In response to the surging demand for cybersecurity professionals in the EU and the evolving threat landscape, the Cybersecurity Skills Alliance for Digital Resilience emerges as a strategic initiative. Aligned with EU policies and initiatives, this project aims to tackle the imminent shortage of nearly 350,000 cybersecurity professionals projected by 2022, as highlighted in a report by the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology, and Research Competence Centre (ECICT).

With the digital revolution intensifying, the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals has never been more critical. The project directly addresses the rapid evolution of cyber threats and ensures compliance with EU regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The initiative aligns with EU policies, including the Cyber Resilience Act, the Data Act, and the Digital Decade Targets in Skills.


The Cybersecurity Skills Alliance for Digital Resilience aims to create multi-stakeholder local/national cybersecurity hubs. The primary objectives include boosting upskilling and reskilling in cybersecurity, fostering entrepreneurial mindsets among EU citizens, and enhancing the EU’s capacity in cybersecurity and digital resilience. The project places a specific emphasis on key areas, including knowledge flow between education, research, public sector, and businesses, setting up incubators in educational institutions, improving skills quality and relevance, and supporting skills development in deep tech domains.

The alliance plans to establish national cybersecurity hubs representing academic and corporate fields. It will map key stakeholders, develop twinning programs for cybersecurity hubs, and create strategies for upskilling and reskilling. Initiatives include incubator/accelerator programs, coaching programs for individuals and SMEs/entrepreneurs, ethical hacker conferences, and contributions to the European Cybersecurity Challenge. The project will also pilot an AI-assisted system for mapping skills needs and job opportunities.

The consortium, led by DIGITALEUROPE, will coordinate and facilitate the network setup, growth, and sustainability. Champions like Numeum and Campus Cyber will share their vision and experience in building sustainable hubs. EU hubs, including INFOBALT, AGORIA, ITL, CCIS, SEPE, ISVZ, and supporting cybersecurity industry representatives in third countries (ITUkraine and ECID), will form a network of relevant hubs with industry and academic stakeholders. European stakeholders like EITDigital and ECSO (European Cybersecurity Organisation) will play pivotal roles in ensuring the success of the project.

The Cybersecurity Skills Alliance for Digital Resilience embodies a strategic response to the escalating demand for cybersecurity expertise. By creating collaborative hubs, fostering knowledge exchange, and aligning with EU policies, the project aims to fortify the EU’s cybersecurity landscape, ultimately contributing to digital resilience and economic growth.

Download the CyberHubs project info-sheet to find out more
Download the Cyberhubs Privacy Policy statement
For further information, please contact
Marie Montaldo
Senior Research and Innovation Manager
Irene Marinelli
Communications Manager for Projects
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