
Blockchain Skills for Europe

CHAISE is a 4-year transnational initiative funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+, Sector Skill Alliance call for proposals, to set forward a sectoral approach to Blockchain Skills Development.

CHAISE will formulate and deliver a European strategy to address skill mismatches and shortages in the Blockchain Sector and deliver appropriate and future focused training, qualifications and mobility solutions, geared towards sectoral realities and needs.

Blockchain is at the core of the EU strategy to advance digital transformation, benefitting society, businesses, and stimulating sustainable growth. The European Blockchain Sector is well placed to acquire global leadership; still its competitiveness largely relies on the availability of a competent and versatile workforce. Although the demand for Blockchain skills is steadily increasing, employers are facing a shortfall of skilled professionals that prevents the sector from unleashing its full potential. The Blockchain sector is challenged by talent shortages, global competitive pressures, limited connection between education and the market, and low responsiveness from formal education to new workplace requirements.


  • Improve Blockchain skills intelligence and document prevailing skills mismatches at the EU level.
  • Set up a collaborative approach to monitoring the evolution of workplace requirements and anticipating future Blockchain skill needs, to act as an early warning information mechanism for imbalances between demand and supply.
  • Design a European learning outcome-oriented modular VET programme and educational resources on Blockchain, to address technical, non-technical and cross-disciplinary (horizontal) skills requirements.
  • Define EU-wide occupational requirements for the Blockchain workforce, to address fragmentation in the labour market.
  • Establish a sectoral qualification linked to the new Blockchain specific occupational profile, to set common educational requirements for Blockchain Skills across the EU.
  • Connect jobseekers and Blockchain companies to support professional transnational mobility and increase the attractiveness of the Blockchain sector.
  • Set up a post project permanent cooperation network to systematically monitor labour market and skill developments, and keep the European Blockchain Skills Strategy up-to-date and relevant.
    CHAISE Video
    Visit the website and learn more about the project

    For more information, please contact:
    Marie Montaldo
    Senior Research and Innovation Manager
    Valeria Muggianu
    Senior Project Manager
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