19 Feb 2018

PwC study highlights six key areas of action to reap full benefits of Europe’s digital transformation

A new study prepared by PwC and released today by DIGITALEUROPE identifies six areas of actions to accelerate the completion of a harmonised single market that will enhance the pace of cross-sectoral digital transformation in Europe. The study also identifies where the EU is at risk if it does not move with urgency in these areas

“No one can ignore that digitalisation is deeply transforming Europe’s economy and society. It is now time to revisit the priorities if we want Europe to become a global leader and Europeans to enjoy seamless digital services and high-quality jobs” said Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE.

“The study released today shows that industry and policy-makers must get their act together and focus on bringing more harmonisation and investments to the market, more speed in implementing the reforms, and more cyber resilience – as an average of €265 billion is lost every year in Europe due to cybercrime”, she added.

Our resources on Digital transformation
06 Mar 2024 resource
DIGITALEUROPE’s response to the Joint European Supervisory Authorities’ public consultation on the second batch of policy mandates under DORA
28 Feb 2024 resource
Elevating EU innovation through strategic investments and collaboration
20 Feb 2024 Position Paper
DIGITALEUROPE Executive Council for Health’s recommendations for EU digital health policy (2024-29)
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