22 Sep 2017

Press release-Less than 1% of Spaniards have copied series or films on DVD in the last year for private use

Press release-Less than 1% of Spaniards have copied series or films on DVD in the last year for private use

Only 1.6% of consumers have made a private copy of a CD or other musical medium, according to the Mazars study commissioned by DIGITALEUROPE and EURIMAG.
The estimated revenue for the current digital licence fee is between 7 and 10 times higher than the actual damage caused by private copying in Spain.

The private copying of traditional physical formats is disappearing, now that the consumption of music and other content is being imposed through streaming on mobile phones, tablets or computers. In the last year, only 0.9% of Spaniards have copied a DVD of movies or series, only 1.6% have made a private copy of a musical medium and only 2.3% have made private copies of books and publications assimilated.

These are some of the findings of the study Impact of the private copying in Spain commissioned by DIGITALEUROPE, the association representing the technology industry in Europe, and EURIMAG, the association representing the image and printing industry in Europe, drawn up by the audit and consultancy firm Mazars on the Analysis and Research survey among 3,000 Spaniards aged 14 to 80. The aim of this study is to quantify the actual damage caused by private copying in Spain today, as consumer habits have changed considerably in recent years.

Of all respondents, only 1.6% (48 cases) made private copies of a physical music medium (CD or DVD). And less than 0.69% of all respondents would have bought the work if there were no possibility of making a private copy; that is, fewer than 21 users of 3,000 respondents stopped purchasing a disc because of private copying.

As for television fiction, cinema and documentaries, only 0.9% (28 cases) of the 3000 respondents copied a physical medium (DVD) in the last 12 months, with series being the most popular content of all. In this case, only 0.69% of respondents made a private copy of a film, series or documentary they would have bought if they had not been able to make a copy.

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