03 Jul 2018

Industry statement on the European Parliament’s report on “Copyright in the Digital Single Market”

DIGITALEUROPE and its national trade associations are Europe’s largest business associations in the digital economy. We are united in expressing our disappointment with the adoption of the report on “Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive” by the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs committee on 20 June.

This report disregards the realities and impact of digital platforms for businesses across Europe. The proposed scope on art. 13 is far too broad and would lead to consumers, businesses and researchers facing new restrictions and legal risks when sharing information and communicating online. Yet again an outcome that will lead to further fragmentation of the European single market and will decrease competitiveness and innovation in Europe. This Directive will damage consumer trust by exacerbating divergent regulation among Member States and introducing more barriers – for SMEs in particular.

We urge you to reject the mandate to enter into negotiations with Council at this stage. Further deliberation is urgently needed to reach a balanced and proportionate report and take into account the different views and evidences gathered in the EP debate.

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