25 Mar 2022

Digital Markets Act deal: successful implementation will rely on collaborating with industry

Parliament and Council negotiators reached a deal on the Digital Markets Act (DMA). While parts of the text still lack clarity, DIGITALEUROPE acknowledges this milestone in the regulation of digital markets, and urges the European Commission to collaborate with industry to ensure a fair and smooth implementation.

Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl said:

“The DMA agreement marks a milestone in the regulation of digital markets. Whilst we have reservations about the new framework, the aim of creating fairness and contestability is certainly valid, and we want the DMA to work well for consumers, businesses and gatekeepers.

There are still several parts of the text that lack clarity, so we urge the European Commission to collaborate with industry players to help them clarify and apply the rules in a sensible way, to ensure we get the best results. Several of the new rules will require major technical and legal work such as the interoperability requirements and data sharing obligations.”

For more information, please contact:
Samia Fitouri
Senior Communications Manager
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