12 Sep 2018

Copyright Directive - European Parliament’s decision will hamper digital innovation in Europe

The European Parliament adopted today the controversial Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.

“We regret that the report adopted today largely follows the text that was already rejected by the European Parliament in July”, said Cecilia-Bonefeld Dahl, Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE.

“Today’s outcome will needlessly hamper research and development in Europe, such as on Artificial Intelligence, by refraining to introduce legal security and harmonisation with a broad exception for text and data mining. It also introduces new obstacles to digital innovation such as the controversial ancillary publisher right, and it adds a complex layer of liability on a wide range of digital services, encouraging filters and content removal rather than innovation”, she added.

DIGITALEUROPE has always fully supported the ambition of modernising the copyright legal framework in Europe, to accommodate and encourage new ways of creativity and innovation in the digital era.

While we regret the missed opportunity the adoption of this Directive represents, we will continue to engage with all relevant MEPs and the Council to reach a more balanced and future-proof outcome during the upcoming trialogue negotiations.

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