Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Digital education & skills

A digital Europe is first a Europe where no one should be left behind. In a rapidly changing world, there is an increasing demand for people to learn how to use new technologies. Without the right skills, people fall behind. If enough of them get to the back of the line, it is the whole of society that starts to fall apart. Today, 52% of European workers are in need of reskilling. Investing in digital skills and continuing education of Europeans is not optional – it is absolutely crucial.


Read our resources on digital skills

22 Oct 2024 Response to Public Consultation
Response to USTR consultation on EU-US TTC Global Trade Challenges Working Group
21 Oct 2024 Position Paper
Realigning targets and practices for effective e-waste management
27 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Protecting children online: response to the call for evidence
26 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe
17 Sep 2024 The Download
The Download - Data Centres: A powerful enabler of Europe's twin transition

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Digital for a green recovery

As of today, countries around the world have been unsuccessful at decoupling economic growth from increased CO2 emissions and resource consumption. For every 1% in global GDP, CO2 emissions have risen by about 0.5% and resource consumption by 0.4%. Digital technologies could be a major contributor in helping societies address this challenge. For instance, it is estimated that by 2025 digitalisation could save over 26 billion tonnes of CO2 emission globally – about as much as Europe’s emissions across the same time period.


Read our resources on Green Recovery

22 Oct 2024 Response to Public Consultation
Response to USTR consultation on EU-US TTC Global Trade Challenges Working Group
21 Oct 2024 Position Paper
Realigning targets and practices for effective e-waste management
27 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Protecting children online: response to the call for evidence
26 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe
17 Sep 2024 The Download
The Download - Data Centres: A powerful enabler of Europe's twin transition

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Connectivity & infrastructure

Connectivity is fast becoming an essential part of the modern economy. 5G, for instance, is a turning-point technology that cloud deliver socio-economic benefits worth more than €110 billion every year and create 2.3 million jobs. Unfortunately, a high-quality digital infrastructure is often taken for granted or outdated.

Read our resources on Connectivity & Infrastructure

22 Oct 2024 Response to Public Consultation
Response to USTR consultation on EU-US TTC Global Trade Challenges Working Group
21 Oct 2024 Position Paper
Realigning targets and practices for effective e-waste management
27 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Protecting children online: response to the call for evidence
26 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe
17 Sep 2024 The Download
The Download - Data Centres: A powerful enabler of Europe's twin transition

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Digital healthcare

Health data makes up 30% of the world’s stored data. A single patient generates up to 80 megabytes yearly in imaging and EMR data. However, such valuable data is often inaccessible, even to the patient, and nationally siloed and shielded. Especially in Europe, the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) remains subpar to for instance in the United States, where north of 35% of health records are by now digital.
Ultimately, our goal is to accelerate data flows within the EU for better health outcomes for everyone. For instance, a study has shown that AI – which is fuelled by reliable and secure data – can extend average life expectancy by 0.2 -1.3 yearsCritically, there is momentum to digitally transform health in Europe since the pandemic challenged 88% of caregivers in providing care and more than half had to reduce their services. For health, moving to digital can save lives.

Read our resources on eHealth

22 Oct 2024 Response to Public Consultation
Response to USTR consultation on EU-US TTC Global Trade Challenges Working Group
21 Oct 2024 Position Paper
Realigning targets and practices for effective e-waste management
27 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Protecting children online: response to the call for evidence
26 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe
17 Sep 2024 The Download
The Download - Data Centres: A powerful enabler of Europe's twin transition

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Digital for SMEs & Scaleups

Europe must nurture its SMEs and scaleups, as they are essential to our prosperity. More than just an engine for innovation, scaleups are businesses that hire highly skilled workers, raise Europe’s productivity, and champion European values across the world. They have the potential to become the next tech giants.

Europe has delivered meaningful growth for its scaleup ecosystem with a 20% increase in the number of homegrown scaleups every year in the past decade. While it is a step in the right direction, the number of European scaleups is still less than a third of those in the US. That partly explains why Europe is only home to 12% of unicorns globally. DIGITALEUROPE has set out an ambitious target to increase Europe’s share of unicorns to 25% by 2025.


Read our resources on SMEs & Scale-Ups

22 Oct 2024 Response to Public Consultation
Response to USTR consultation on EU-US TTC Global Trade Challenges Working Group
21 Oct 2024 Position Paper
Realigning targets and practices for effective e-waste management
27 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Protecting children online: response to the call for evidence
26 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe
17 Sep 2024 The Download
The Download - Data Centres: A powerful enabler of Europe's twin transition

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Research & innovation

When countries and businesses invest in innovative products and services, people’s wealth increases, and the quality of their lives improve. Yet, Europe is only spending 2% of its GDP on research & development. By contrast, the United States and Japan hover around 3%. 

Read our resources on Research & Innovation

22 Oct 2024 Response to Public Consultation
Response to USTR consultation on EU-US TTC Global Trade Challenges Working Group
21 Oct 2024 Position Paper
Realigning targets and practices for effective e-waste management
27 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Protecting children online: response to the call for evidence
26 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe
17 Sep 2024 The Download
The Download - Data Centres: A powerful enabler of Europe's twin transition

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Privacy & security

With an expected annual growth of around 10%, the data market is one of the fastest-growing part of the European economy. Today there are already over 280,000 data companies based in the EU. This raises new challenges but it also presents, in even greater measure, a vast range of opportunities for Europe to tap in.

Cyberthreats presents a major obstacle to Europe’s path to prosperity. Economic loss due to cybercrime is predicted to reach € 2.5 trillion by 2020, and 74% of the world’s businesses can expect to be hacked in the coming year. Unfortunately, only 32% of European businesses have a cybersecurity strategy. Such global threat requires a coordinated global response.

Read our resources on privacy & security

22 Oct 2024 Response to Public Consultation
Response to USTR consultation on EU-US TTC Global Trade Challenges Working Group
21 Oct 2024 Position Paper
Realigning targets and practices for effective e-waste management
27 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Protecting children online: response to the call for evidence
26 Sep 2024 Position Paper
Future directions for accelerating digital skills uptake across Europe
17 Sep 2024 The Download
The Download - Data Centres: A powerful enabler of Europe's twin transition

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.


We have seen remarkable improvements in e-Governance in Europe over the past years, with most countries already having an operational e-governance scheme. More than half of Europeans use eGovernment services and 38% are using online forms to submit information to their government. However, we are still lagging behind in terms of cross-border mobility, as citizens can use their national ID only for 9% of foreign e-Governance services, with a slightly better figure for businesses at 36%.

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

Digital Single market

Europe has a thriving internet economy which has taken on new importance of the context of the COVID-19 crisis. European citizens’ ability to access goods and services online has been crucial during the pandemic and has also provided a financial lifeline for many small businesses. However, barriers remain for e-commerce so it’s essential that we renew our efforts to complete the Digital Single Market.

Key indicators for a stronger digital Europe

Back in 2019, we released a set of 22 success indicators that Europe should aim to achieve by 2025. Over the years we have added a few. Here you can keep track of how Europe is doing in its digitalisation project.

AI & Data  Economy

The potential of digital technologies for the European society and economy is evident and needed more than ever to support Europe’s economic recovery. AI adoption can be part of the response to slowed productivity, helping to tackle challenges of climate change and ageing populations. The positive and trustworthy use of AI will be a cornerstone and it is, therefore, crucial that EU countries make the necessary investments to derive half of their growth from the use of AI.

The impact of data on Europe’s economy is huge and Europe’s leadership is key for its global competitiveness. The EU should leverage the potential of data to advance the digitalisation of our societies, allowing the European economy to stay competitive while respecting core EU values. In 2020, the data economy represented 3% of the EU27 GDP. By 2025, this should be 6%.

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