20 Mar 2017

Key Industry proposals on ErP Lot 9 draft regulation on enterprise servers and storage

Key Industry proposals on ErP Lot 9 draft regulation on enterprise servers and storage

DIGITALEUROPE, the European voice of the digital technology industry, fully supports the European Commission’s intentions to enhance the energy savings for servers and data storage products, as well as costeffective improvements on materials efficiency for the circular economy. We welcome the opportunity to comment on the proposed eco-design regulation “Working document for the consultation forum on potential Ecodesign requirements for servers and data storage products”. With the proposed requirements we see a high risk of missing the policy objectives.

This document suggests a number of necessary improvements and modifications to the proposed eco-design requirements in order to support the high innovation rate and continued energy and material efficiency improvements that have been achieved by the industry, and which are key to reaching the targets. For idle state power and allowances, DIGITALEUROPE will submit detailed comments separately.

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