30 Dec 2014

DIGITALEUROPE vision - Accessibility through global standards

DIGITALEUROPE vision - Accessibility through global standards

Many information and communication technologies offer a wide range of accessibility and inclusion benefits to users with specific profiles of abilities and preferences, such as deaf, hard of hearing, blind or partiallysighted users, other disabled users as well as ageing citizens.

Digital technologies have enabled wider participation in work, social and leisure activities, everything from home working, online shopping and social media have improved engagement and provided new opportunities for these users.

Recognising the challenging change in demographics, the ICT industry continues to develop and deliver improved accessible solutions to the market, improving mainstream products and broadening the range of targeted solutions. Competition and voluntary action have led to the rapid provision and improvement of general usability as well as specific e-Accessibility features. Industry’s aim is to ensure the market delivers the highest possible level of accessibility while minimising the burden on consumers, public agencies and industry.

Industry is committed to improving standardization and voluntary activities that will allow the deployment of accessible solutions as main selling points in a rapidly growing and very competitive market.

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