22 Feb 2016

DIGITALEUROPE position paper on the review of export control policy in the EU

DIGITALEUROPE position paper on the review of export control policy in the EU


Dual-use items are an integral part of most digital technology. Information security, often in the form of encryption, is an absolutely necessary tool for everyday business. For the digital technology industry in the EU a well-balanced export control policy is crucial to survive today’s tough global competition. Indeed important parts of digital technology equipment can be covered by the scope of dual use regulations even though predominantly for civilian use.

DIGITALEUROPE fully recognizes the very nature of export controls as an instrument for non-proliferation in order to safeguard national security and international security and stability. Effective controls implemented by the EU will also ensure that the international commitments of the Member States in the various control regimes are complied with. It is however also imperative that the balance between security and trade remain intact in order to avoid self-inflicted trade barriers that would impose a high cost for the EU industry without providing anything in return.

In view of the publication of the review proposal by the European Commission, DIGITALEUROPE would like to lay out its position with regard to several aspects of the EU export control regime.

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