12 Dec 2018

Horizon Europe: Innovation should be at the core of EU legislation

DIGITALEUROPE urges Members of the European Parliament to safeguard the ‘Innovation principle’ within Horizon Europe, the future Framework Programme for Research & Innovation. Ahead of the vote in plenary this Wednesday 12 December, we call on the European Parliament to reject amendments 189, 294, 298 which aim to remove this important principle from the Horizon Europe package.

“The innovation principle aims to reduce the EU innovation deficit” explained Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE. “European research and innovation expenditure only accounts for 2% of the EU’s GDP, far from the 3% target of the Europe 2020 strategy. This principle guarantees that EU policies would not dramatically affect innovation and drive us further away from this goal.”

The innovation principle ensures that when EU legislation is being considered, its impact on innovation is assessed. It is therefore key to foster both research and innovation at EU level. The European Commission recognises the importance of this principle and has included it in its Better Regulation agenda. Member States acknowledge it as well, stressing the need to consider the impact on innovation when drafting EU policies.

During the discussions on Horizon Europe in Parliament, all political groups have recognised that Europe does not capitalise enough on knowledge and ideas, and concluded that the EU can and should do much better in harvesting the economic and social benefits of its excellent research. DIGITALEUROPE finally recalls that the innovation principle does not undermine the precautionary principle, but rather complements it.

For more information, please contact
Julien Chasserieau
Associate Director for AI & Data Policy
Our resources on Research & innovation
06 Mar 2024 resource
DIGITALEUROPE’s response to the Joint European Supervisory Authorities’ public consultation on the second batch of policy mandates under DORA
28 Feb 2024 resource
Elevating EU innovation through strategic investments and collaboration
20 Feb 2024 Position Paper
DIGITALEUROPE Executive Council for Health’s recommendations for EU digital health policy (2024-29)
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