26 Apr 2018

DIGITALEUROPE strongly supports the Digital Health and Care Communication

The European Commission delivers an exceptional set of actions of tools, funding and systems for cross border data flows to empower patient-centric care

The European Commission’s Digital Health and Care Communication announced with the 3rd Data Package is an ambitious plan to drive research, promote electronic health records, and develop systems for data sharing across the EU. Digital technologies are and will be increasingly transforming healthcare for the benefits of patients and society as a whole. DIGITALEUROPE is committed to the vision of a digital single market in healthcare, which will require political leadership to put in place a consistent and interoperable IT infrastructure across the European Union.

Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director-General for DIGITALEUROPE comments:

“The European Commission’s Digital Health and Care Communication will deliver solutions Europeancitizens need. But other horizontal policies being proposed, such as a successful implementation of GDPR, cybersecurity, and a high speed 5G infrastructure will also have to be successful in order for citizens to benefit from common European health records across countries”.

“Our association stands ready to work through our National Trade Association members to accelerate the implementation plans in the Member States. What is needed now is Member States to ensure there is an increase in funding across the Multi-Annual Financial Framework Programme and a commitment to digital skills that will be critical to deliver the benefits this plan promises.”

DIGITALEUROPE has released its letter to governments across the EU to show both courage and determination in increasing funding for advanced digital skills and mission critical technologies.

DIGITALEUROPE supports the creation of a safe, secure and easy to use data sharing system and we are encouraged by the openness for industry to cooperate and be consulted.

For more information please contact
Ray Pinto
Senior Director for Digital Transformation Policy
Our resources on Digital transformation
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DIGITALEUROPE’s response to the Joint European Supervisory Authorities’ public consultation on the second batch of policy mandates under DORA
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DIGITALEUROPE Executive Council for Health’s recommendations for EU digital health policy (2024-29)
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