20 Feb 2019

Case studies on cybersecurity

We are proud to present case studies from members that are making our cyber world safer.

Microsoft’s call for principle-based international agreements to govern law enforcement access to data

Governments around the world have started to modernize the processes by which law enforcement accesses digital evidence across borders. In the United States, passage of the CLOUD Act created the foundation for a new generation of international agreements that allows governments to engage with each other to create lasting rules to protect privacy and facilitate legitimate law enforcement access to evidence. In Europe, the European Commission recently presented its proposed e-Evidence legislation to the European Parliament. Many other governments are similarly seeking to update their laws to protect privacy, promote digital security and address the challenge of an increasingly borderless world.

As a global company entrusted by millions of users, Microsoft believe it is important for them to make clear how governments should address these issues. For that reason, they are sharing six principles that have driven, and will continue to drive, our advocacy as governments reform their laws and negotiate international agreements.

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DIGITALEUROPE’s response to the Joint European Supervisory Authorities’ public consultation on the second batch of policy mandates under DORA
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Elevating EU innovation through strategic investments and collaboration
20 Feb 2024 Position Paper
DIGITALEUROPE Executive Council for Health’s recommendations for EU digital health policy (2024-29)
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