Workshop on European Security Certification

10 Sep 2018
10:30 AM - 4:30 PM CEST
14 Rue de la Science (7th floor), 1040 Brussels
Brussels, 9 November 2018

The HORIZON 2020 European Security Certification (EU-SEC) Project will provide first results of the multi-party recognition framework for cloud services. Together with DIGITALEUROPE, we will introduce the project, the policy work in DIGITALEUROPE and the European Cyber Security Strategy.

The main objective of EU-SEC is to develop a framework for the multi-party recognition between existing cloud security schemes (such as ISO 27001, SOC 2, CSA STAR, BSI C5), and other national schemes or requirements applicable to cloud security. The aim of this workshop is to reflect the achievements and progress of the EU-SEC project and discuss with key stakeholders on the mutual recognition between cloud compliance schemes.

The workshop is divided into three parts:

  1. A high level overview of policy action regarding a European Cyber Security Framework
  2. The achievements reached by the EU-SEC project. Presentations of pilots that were executed as part of the framework validation as well as use cases for the hands-on application of the framework.
  3. A panel discussion on multiparty recognition framework involving stakeholders to participate in the discussion

Whether you are a Cloud User, Cloud Service Provider, Scheme Owner or an Auditor – your contribution and input is highly appreciated.

  • As Cloud User: benefit from facilitated comparability of cloud service’s security level
  • As Cloud Service Provider: reduce your compliance cost by reducing audit efforts
  • As Scheme owner and authority: have your compliance scheme integrated in EU-SEC. HORIZON 731845 EU-SEC
  • As Auditor: use the framework to facilitate audits and optimise your client’s service experience.

Agenda and more details available here.

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