The EU-Japan workshop on "International Standardisation on Artificial Intelligence"

25 Feb 2022
8:30 - 10:30 CET

The EU-Japan workshop on “International Standardisation on Artificial Intelligence”

25th February 2022, 8:30-10:30 CET, online


DIGITALEUROPE, the Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE) and JEITA invite you to an online workshop on 25 February, where we will discuss international standards for AI and EU-Japan cooperation on standardisation.

As like-minded partners, the EU and Japan are engaged in a crucial regulatory cooperation based on the EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement and the future EU-Japan Digital Partnership. In the EU, the proposal for an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act was released on 21st April 2021 – in parallel, the AI Governance Guideline was published on 9th July 2021 in Japan. Meanwhile, important rules on harmonized standards are under discussion in the ISO, where CEN-CENELEC and JISC play a critical role.

This workshop will be an opportunity to focus on International Standards for AI and discuss cooperation between the EU and Japan on International Standardization activities from the industry’s perspective. CEN-CENELEC/JTC 21 – a mirroring committee of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 – and JISC will share updates on their activity and the current status of the Harmonized Standards for AI Regulation. This will be followed by a discussion on how to collaborate over International Standardization activities. Technical experts on AI from both EU and Japanese industries will also join to share their insights.

This workshop will be followed by a joint CEN-CENELEC and JISC workshop expected next year.


  • 8:30-8:35

    Welcome & opening remarks

    • Dr. Martin Chapman, Director for Technical Policy & Standards, DIGITALEUROPE
  • 8:35-9:00

    Introduction from CEN-CENELEC

    • Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, Co-Chair, CEN-CENELEC JTC 21
    • Dr. Lindsay Frost, Board Member, ETSI
  • 9:00-9:25

    Introduction from JISC & ISO/IEC JTC 1 /SC42 Japan HoD

    • Mr. Yoichi Kikuchi, Deputy Secretary General JISC/Director, Office for Economic Partnership for Standards and Conformity Assesment, METI
    • Dr. Roy Sugimura, National Committee Chair, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC42
  • 9:25-9:35

    Introduction of panelists

    • Mr. Koen Cobbaert, Senior Manager for Quality, Standards and Regulation, Philips
    • Mr. Takashi Egawa, National Committee Secretary, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC42/Standardisation Promotion Department, Global Innovation Strategy Divison, AIST
    • Dr. Yuchang Cheng, Research Manager, Research Center for AI Ethics, Human-AI Collaborative Society Project, Fujitsu
  • 9:35-10:25

    Panel Discussion “Data Quality, Human oversight and Satefy and Trustworthy AI system”

    • Mr. Koen Cobbaert, Senior Manager for Quality, Standards and Regulation, Philips
    • Mr. Takashi Egawa, National Committee Secretary, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC42/Standardisation Promotion Department, Global Innovation Strategy Divison, AIST
    • Dr. Yuchang Cheng, Research Manager, Research Center for AI Ethics, Human-AI Collaborative Society Project, Fujitsu
    • Moderator: Mr. Marco Canton, Chair of JBCE Digital Innovation Comittee, Fujitsu
  • 10:25-10:30

    Closing remarks

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