Digital Deep Dive Series

The EHDS: European rules for trustworthy health innovation

29 Nov 2022
10:00-11:30 CET

Digital Deep Dives series

The EHDS: European rules for trustworthy health innovation

29th November 10:00-11:30 CET, online 

The second event in our Digital Deep Dive series this autumn will focus on the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

The proposed European Health Data Space (EHDS) is not a mere regulation, it is a vision for the future of health and care for Europe. Stakeholders agreed (in a consensus statement signed by 29 groups and counting) that its ambitions are on point. From “empowering individuals to control their health data,” to “unleashing the power of the health data economy”, now comes the time to agree on the details of the how

The EHDS’s three-pronged approach, focusing on health data control and use in a healthcare setting, conformity of electronic health record systems (EHR-systems), and the secondary use of health data, will impact healthcare and R&I communities in different, but interconnected ways.

The panel at this Digital Deep Dive will aim to address these key issues and focus particularly on how the EHDS impacts data sharing in healthcare delivery, regulates Electronic Health Record systems, and the regulation’s potential to ensure health data will be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reliable (FAIR). We will also touch on secondary data which is an important discussion next year in both the Council and the European Parliament with the following key speakers:

  • Tomislav Sokol, MEP, co-rapporteur on the EHDS for the ENVI committee.
  • Veronique Cimina, Legal Officer Policy & Consultation, European Data Protection Supervisor.
  • Viktoriia Shportiuk, Manager EU Government Affairs & Policy, Siemens-Healthineers.
  • Dmitry Etin, Global Digital Health Architect, Oracle.
  • Angel Martin, Chair of Digital Health Working Group, DIGITALEUROPE (J&J).
  • Sara Roda, Senior Policy Advisor, CPME.

The panel will be moderated by Ray Pinto , Director for Digital Transformation Policy, DIGITALEUROPE.

Register now!

Click here to join the Digital Deep Dive on the European Health Data Space!

For more information, please contact:
Samia Fitouri
Senior Communications Manager
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