DiPP - How Cloud, Big Data and Internet of Things are transforming eHealth

27 May 2015
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM CEST
14 Rue de la Science (7th floor), 1040 Brussels

DIGITALEUROPE’s latest Cloud in Practice Programme (CiPP) addressed the challenges and potential of Cloud on advancing eHealth.

This workshop saw our expert panelists discuss the need for transparency in order for the system to work for the patient, Healthcare professionals’ reservations, and patients’ common issues which Cloud can ultimately help to ease.

The Commission has identified 3 wins originating in e-health:

  • Promote innovation and spare government budgets
  • Make Health sustainable
  • Patient-centric

What can we do?

To address the above challenges and many others, DIGITALEUROPE has set up a dedicated structure. Their work will focus on data protection and other regulatory issues such as cross-border data flows, interoperable standards for medical records, etc. Interoperability and security are indeed instruments of choice to a sound m-health.


The top challenge is data protection: how can you make sure that your data controller will see to proper use of your data at all times. A Code of conduct that targets small developers of m-health apps and which uses plain English, not ‘legalese’ must be developed.

General practitioners are essentially conservative: 83% use ICT vs 100% in hospitals. This is a dramatic improvement on the previous survey dated 2007.

For more information, please contact:
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