Member-only Event

DIGITALEUROPE internal workshop on collective redress

24 Apr 2019
14 Rue de la Science
1040 Brussels

You are kindly invited to attend DIGITALEUROPE’s internal workshop focusing on the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on representative actions, also known as collective redress mechanisms.

This short informative session, open to DIGITALEUROPE members only, will give you a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of the Commission’s proposal and highlight the main differences between already existing national collective redress schemes. Together with representatives from BusinessEurope and the US Institute for Legal Reform, we will discuss the proposal’s potential consequences for the businesses across the world and its impact on EU Member States’ legal systems. This very informal discussion will be followed by a Q&A session as well as a light networking lunch. Make sure to join our conversation on Wednesday 24 April from 11.00–12.30!

We encourage you all to join the discussions in person. If you cannot join in person, dial-in details will be sent to you closer to the date. You are welcome to share this invitation with your colleagues. Please confirm your participation by registering or by sending an email to Caroline Walczak by 19 April.


  • 11:00


  • 11:10

    Presentation of the Commission’s proposal on collective redress

  • 11:30

    National schemes’ characteristics

  • 11:50

    Potential consequences for the industry

  • 12:15

    Q&A and wrap up session

  • 12:30

    Light networking lunch

For more information please contact
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