Digital skills for greater competitiveness and innovation in regions and cities

08 Oct 2018
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CEST
14 Rue de la Science (7th floor), 1040 Brussels


Digital skills for greater competitiveness and innovation in regions and cities. 

What’s in the EU budget 2021-2027 for boosting digital skills?

Just before the 16th European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) Opening Ceremony on 8 October 2018, we invite you to explore together with distinguished experts the EU funding landscape for digital skills.

Did you know that…?

–> Digital skills gap slows down Europe’s growth, hampers competitiveness and innovation capacity. 
–> In 2017, 35% of active labour force in the EU was lacking sufficient digital skills for work, only one in five companies reported having provided training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel.

To prevent the raise of a digital divide in society Europe must ensure that its citizens and its labour force have the appropriate digital skills to live and work in the era of digital transformation.

The time to act is now!

The EU funds and programmes can make a difference! The negotiations of the next long-term EU budget are a unique opportunity to ensure that the EU funds and programmes potential for helping Europeans with acquiring digital skills is recognised. The European Social Fund+, the European Regional Development Fund, the Digital Europe Programme and the Erasmus will represent the most significant funding opportunities in 2021-2027 to bridge the digital skills gap.

Join us to discuss and brainstorm how to tackle the digital skills gap!

The objective of the Roundtable is to provide a forum for a discussion on what can be done to take advantage of the new MFF negotiations; what have we learnt in the past to allow us to benefit from best practices and learnings; and what’s at stake if we take no action. We will hear from representatives of EU authorities, innovative digital skills programmes owners and ICT employers on what can be achieved, how innovation can be inserted into EU funds guidance and what candidates and employers are looking for.


– Alison Crabb, Head of Unit: Skills and Qualifications, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion; European Commission;

 Samia Ghozlane, Director, La Grande École du Numérique, France;

 Michiel Rijsberman, Regional Minister of the Province of Flevoland (NL); Committee of the Regions

 Christophe Dolinsek, Program manager of France, Cisco


 Izabela Milewska, Chair of the Digital Skills and Jobs Working Group, DIGITALEUROPE and Senior EMEA Education Program Manager, Amazon Web Services.

Registration: The number of seats is limited. Please register online before 5 October.

We hope that you will be able to join!

For more information please contact:

Katarzyna Koziol, Policy & Project Manager,

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