Event Series

Digital Deep Dive: Unlocking the Potential of Transatlantic Cooperation

17 May 2023
11:45-13:15 CEST

Digital Deep Dives series

Unlocking the potential of transatlantic cooperation: How the EU-US TTC can drive a sustainable future 

17th May 2023, 11:45-13:15 CET, online

The EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is essential for achieving Transatlantic shared objectives including promoting the green transition, ensuring sustainable and resilient supply chains for critical raw materials, and creating an AI sandboxing environment. 

This high-level webinar will bring together transatlantic stakeholders ahead of the next Ministerial. It will seek to tackle the following questions: 

  • What is the role of the digital industry in supporting the TTC’s work on clean tech standards? 
  • How can digital help with securing a resilient and sustainable supply chain of critical raw materials and can the TTC be a space to promote initiatives such as the Critical Raw Materials Club? 
  • What can the TTC’s future deliverables be on AI, following the joint roadmap?


  • 11:45-11:55

    Opening remarks

    • Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE
  • 11:55-12:50

    Panel discussion

    • Moderated by Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE


    • Thibaut Kleiner, Director for Policy, Strategy and Outreach, DG CONNECT, European Commission


    • My Bergdahl, Director for Digital Trade and Standardisation, Teknikföretagen


    • Pastora Valero, Senior Vice President, Public Policy and Government Affairs, Cisco


    • Michael Lally, Minister Counsellor for Commercial Affairs in Europe, U.S. Mission to the EU


    • Veronika Wand Danielsson, Head of Europe and North America Department, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs


    • Raquel Ponte Costa, Director of European Government Affairs, Schneider Electric
  • 12:50-13:05


  • 13:05-13:15

    Closing remarks

    • Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE
For more information, please contact
Joël Guschker
Associate Director for International Affairs & Trade Policy
Samia Fitouri
Associate Director for Communications
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